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The ENOVIA PLM system on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is a Dassault Systèmes’ comprehensive enterprise solution for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

In particular, it includes the management of technical and accompanying product documentation throughout an entire contract, including integration into CAD construction tools, complete BOM structure management as well as change and approval management, and it also allows you to manage and validate information about the current state and course of a project.

The introduction of PLM is a strategic step towards streamlining business process management. Demonstrable benefits include centralized access to real-time product and project information, full control over changeover and approval processes, and management of all technical and accompanying documentation.



Management, completeness and up-to-dateness of technical documentation

One of the main benefits of a PLM solution is simply to facilitate the management and completeness of the technical documentation across all phases of the product lifecycle. ENOVIA enables full control and management of data and their versioning with direct integration into commonly used CAD systems.

Management of BOM structures

In ENOVIA, it is possible to define BOM items not only of mechanical parts that are usually created in the CAD system, but also to supplement the structure of electronic components, software, etc. Standard parts can be organized and classified in libraries and repeatedly used in different projects. The prepared BOM is transferred to the Manufacturing Information System (ERP) by means of integration.

Management of change and innovation processes

Manufacturing companies often encounter inefficiencies in the change management process, whether they are approving and managing changes in product development or customer input and control requirements for product changes. In ENOVIA, change is resolved through predefined processes – from a proposal for change and a change order linked to processing, to change action and releasing change into manufacturing in ERP.

Monitoring a project in terms of time, budget and quality

A PLM solution collects data in a single software environment, which means much easier and faster data access, not only for managers but especially for the needs of technical departments. In a unified environment that users have an access to, they can quickly find the necessary information about a project, product or responsibilities and deadlines for fulfilling individual tasks.

Learn how to work with the enovia plm system in 12 steps:

  1. During the tender process, all data needed to create a bid is collected in the system.
  2. After obtaining a project nomination, the project manager easily creates a new project from an existing template according to the standard.
  3. The project manager adjusts the scope and structure of the project, including key milestones, assigns the necessary resources and releases the project for realization.
  4. Project members are the recipients of the project tasks and are informed of the deadlines for their filling.
  5. The project manager has full control over the implementation of the project in terms of time, budget and quality in the management graphical interface.
  6. Product development and design takes place in CAD tools that are fully integrated into the PLM system.
  7. Technical Department officers go through, check and approve the data and evaluate the state of development and desing.
  8. Designers define a complete BOM and work closely with the Production Preparation Technology Department.
  9. Technologists check the BOM structures and plan technological procedures on the BOM, now transferred to the production information system.
  10. The composition of the materials used for the individual components of the product that are required by OEM is also monitored and reported.
  11. In the case of change requests, the change coordinator controls the design process and the change order.
  12. In the case of a customer audit, the system provides all necessary data to verify compliance with quality process.

Our customers' opinions

Radek Valasek

Development Group Leader, BRANO a.s.

“The main benefit regarding construction was that we now have 100% order in the data. Previously, some designers stored data on their local drive, then another designer came in, needed to work on the data and took an older version. This stopped when we switched to ENOVIA. We have all the data in PLM, so the designer is always working with the latest data version or can see that someone else is working on it.

From a project management perspective, the greatest benefit is complete data management. Documents can be versioned, and we can see their history – who changed them, how and when. We have task management, so I can see if the task is "stuck" with someone or it’s going the way it’s supposed to. Thanks to ENOVIA we save 15-20% of time on a project, which is noticeable.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

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Marcel Murar

Johnson Controls Development and Research Center Manager

“We required the new system to easily combine all data in one place. We also needed it to allow the specific set-up of internal processes such as ISS, LTB, etc. Considering the design, it was crucial for us to bring the new system closer to the original processes. All these requirements have been met by ENOVIA.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

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Pavel Vydra

Technical Director, Managing Director of MODELARNA LIAZ

“Because ENOVIA has enabled us to manage data, or more precisely, all information through any number of links, this has meant that we always have the right information on hand, and thanks to the possibility of web access, we’re able to access this information anywhere at any time.

In our extreme job production (1,600 orders a year), ENOVIA has driven us forward in our important continuous improvement process by enabling us to collect feedback efficiently at many levels of the project implementation process, and to evaluate this information as an essential resource for improving quality and thus efficiency in future.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

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Radek Kreml

Varroc Lighting Systems, s. r. o.

“Collaboration with DYTRON s.r.o. on developing CAD methodology has helped us to map and better understand the design procedures in the creation of the CAD model, and subsequently to optimize and standardize them.

The knowledge and deployment of the DYTRON expert and his structured, methodical approach were very beneficial. We are currently implementing the CAD methodology with the support of DYTRON, and we see its potential and a real contribution to making design work more efficient.”

Provided solution: Methodology of work in CATIA, CATIA

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Marek Ctrnacty

CATIA V5 Team, VOLKE Mlada Boleslav spol. s r.o.

“Years ago, we were looking for a way to extend CATIA V5 features and automate recurring engineer activities. We opted for automation using macros and we selected DYTRON as a supplier. This choice has proven to be a great solution. We especially value more than a decade of successful history, a highly cooperative partner and programmer. There’s nothing better than a high quality and lasting partnership.”

Provided solution: macro, CATIA

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Bohumil Lapka

Product Development Manager, KIEKERT-CS, s.r.o.

“We’ve been working with DYTRON s.r.o. for many years. They provide us with comprehensive training for design engineers from the development department. Our newly arrived employees undergo this training and gain thorough understanding of the CATIA V5 software functionality. Every training session is always accompanied by practical demonstrations that open the door to reality even better. Finally, I must mention the patience of the trainers and also the crucial fact that they know what they’re talking about.

Provided solution: training, CATIA

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