sales(at) +420 555 531 111



CATIA is the world leader in CAD/CAM/CAE technology. The system offers a wide range of solutions integrated into one environment for all aspects and fields. CATIA covers product design and development, 3D work based on a single database, linkage to PLM systems, support for drawing-free manufacturing, while ensuring team co-operation, and optimizing technological processes.


CATIA is now far in advance of traditional 3D CAD software and offers the experience of a complete digital product based on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Engineering, design and system engineering of these products is becoming more demanding. CATIA reflects this trend and covers all these areas to support the development of such products.

CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE provides an intuitive environment for all construction and engineering activities. At the bottom of the screen users have an action bar containing commands within the context of the current task. These are organized intelligently into groups that reflect real-life workflows. Standardized icons are used to navigate the user and generate an immediate increase in productivity.

CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE delivers a product design environment based on a „single source of truth“ and accessible through powerful 3D dashboards that support the sharing of know-how, concurrent designing and real-time collaboration between all stakeholders, including mobile workers.

Play this video: CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE RS2017



Dassault Systemes products can be obtained by paying a one-off Primary License Charge (PLC) and an ongoing Annual License Charge (ALC). The ALC provides the customer with the following:

Customer’s right to continue using the software.
Delivery of the latest media and service packs.
The right to report defects and receive support from the VAR partner, DYTRON



Leasing is the ideal way to buy CATIA software for short-term projects. The software can be rented for a period of three months to one year. Upon completion, the lease can be extended.

For more information about purchasing or leasing CATIA, or testing CATIA software, please contact our sales department.



The offer of a commitment lasting 3 months, 1 year or for an indefinite period. Automatic upgrades and backups and 24/7 support are included.



Students can get an annual CATIA V5 student license that offers all necessary tools from modeling and machining to simulation and analysis. All important information about obtaining and installation etc. can be found on the Dassault Systèmes website:


For more informatio, contact our sales manger: Lucie Jinova, tel: +420 777 778 443, e-mail: 

Our customers' opinions

Radek Valasek

Development Group Leader, BRANO a.s.

“The main benefit regarding construction was that we now have 100% order in the data. Previously, some designers stored data on their local drive, then another designer came in, needed to work on the data and took an older version. This stopped when we switched to ENOVIA. We have all the data in PLM, so the designer is always working with the latest data version or can see that someone else is working on it.

From a project management perspective, the greatest benefit is complete data management. Documents can be versioned, and we can see their history – who changed them, how and when. We have task management, so I can see if the task is "stuck" with someone or it’s going the way it’s supposed to. Thanks to ENOVIA we save 15-20% of time on a project, which is noticeable.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

More about solution

Marcel Murar

Johnson Controls Development and Research Center Manager

“We required the new system to easily combine all data in one place. We also needed it to allow the specific set-up of internal processes such as ISS, LTB, etc. Considering the design, it was crucial for us to bring the new system closer to the original processes. All these requirements have been met by ENOVIA.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

More about solution

Pavel Vydra

Technical Director, Managing Director of MODELARNA LIAZ

“Because ENOVIA has enabled us to manage data, or more precisely, all information through any number of links, this has meant that we always have the right information on hand, and thanks to the possibility of web access, we’re able to access this information anywhere at any time.

In our extreme job production (1,600 orders a year), ENOVIA has driven us forward in our important continuous improvement process by enabling us to collect feedback efficiently at many levels of the project implementation process, and to evaluate this information as an essential resource for improving quality and thus efficiency in future.”

Provided solution: ENOVIA, PLM platform 3DEXPERIENCE

More about solution

Radek Kreml

Varroc Lighting Systems, s. r. o.

“Collaboration with DYTRON s.r.o. on developing CAD methodology has helped us to map and better understand the design procedures in the creation of the CAD model, and subsequently to optimize and standardize them.

The knowledge and deployment of the DYTRON expert and his structured, methodical approach were very beneficial. We are currently implementing the CAD methodology with the support of DYTRON, and we see its potential and a real contribution to making design work more efficient.”

Provided solution: Methodology of work in CATIA, CATIA

More about solution

Marek Ctrnacty

CATIA V5 Team, VOLKE Mlada Boleslav spol. s r.o.

“Years ago, we were looking for a way to extend CATIA V5 features and automate recurring engineer activities. We opted for automation using macros and we selected DYTRON as a supplier. This choice has proven to be a great solution. We especially value more than a decade of successful history, a highly cooperative partner and programmer. There’s nothing better than a high quality and lasting partnership.”

Provided solution: macro, CATIA

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Bohumil Lapka

Product Development Manager, KIEKERT-CS, s.r.o.

“We’ve been working with DYTRON s.r.o. for many years. They provide us with comprehensive training for design engineers from the development department. Our newly arrived employees undergo this training and gain thorough understanding of the CATIA V5 software functionality. Every training session is always accompanied by practical demonstrations that open the door to reality even better. Finally, I must mention the patience of the trainers and also the crucial fact that they know what they’re talking about.

Provided solution: training, CATIA

More about solution

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